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Susana Solís García

Artista visual apasionada por plantas, libros, archivos y mapas, explora la intersección entre pedagogía, escritura y lenguaje. Con un Master in Fine Arts - Socially Engaged Art Practices de la Haute école d’art et de design-Ginebra, se enfoca en la ambivalencia del lenguaje desde lo poético y lo político. Desarrolla proyectos contextuales en lo social e histórico, abarcando dibujos, performances, videos y textos. Su obra ha sido exhibida nacional e internacionalmente. Ha recibido becas del Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, Suiza, de la Fundación Hans Wildorf y FONCA-CONACYT. Además, ha publicado y presentado en la Feria del Libro del Museo Tamayo y el IV Encuentro Internacional de Arte y Significación en San Luis Potosí.

Visual artist passionate about plants, books, archives, and maps, exploring the intersection between pedagogy, writing, and language. With a Master in Fine Arts - Socially Engaged Art Practices from the Haute école d’art et de design-Geneva, she focuses on the ambivalence of language from a poetic and political perspective. She develops socially and historically contextualized projects, including drawings, performances, videos, and texts. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. She has received grants from the Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, Switzerland, the Hans Wildorf Foundation, and FONCA-CONACYT. Additionally, she has published and presented at the Museum Tamayo Book Fair and the IV International Meeting of Art and Signification in San Luis Potosi.




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