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Selma Guisande

Artista multidisciplinaria, gestora, docente y curadora, sus intereses se centran en visibilizar cómo los eventos políticos y sociales dejan huella sobre los procesos de identidad y memoria colectiva. Ha mostrado su trabajo tanto en México como en otros países, recientemente en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Querétaro, el Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Oaxaca, así como en el Museo d´Arte Moderna, Ugo Cará, Trieste, Italia y la IX Bienal de la Habana. Ha sido becaria del Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte 2010 y 2018 y de Jóvenes Creadores, FONCA, en tres ocasiones, así como jurado y tutora. Desde 2017 dirige Avcine Fundacion en donde ha generado diversos proyectos colaborativos de arte contemporáneo.

A multidisciplinary artist, art manager, teacher and curator, her interests focus on making visible how political and social events leave their mark on the processes of identity and collective memory. She has shown his work both in Mexico and in other countries, recently at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Queretaro, the Manuel Álvarez Bravo Photographic Center, Oaxaca, as well as at the Museum of Modern Art, Ugo Cará, Trieste, Italy and the IX Havana Biennial. She has been a scholarship recipient of the National System of Art Creators, Mexico, 2010 and 2018 and of Young Creators, FONCA, on three occasions, as well as a jury and tutor. Since 2017 she has directed Avcine Fundacion where she has generated various collaborative contemporary art projects.




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